Basic Guidelines For Isometric Exercises
Isometrics refers to an entire class of exercise which involves applying force to a muscle without actually letting it move or contract. These exercises involve considerable straining, but no movement. Typically this requires exerting some force on something which will not move, like a floor or a wall.
These exercises have become very popular because they are very easy to learn and are very safe. These exercises are also very effective. Able to exhaust your muscles in a matter of seconds, meaning the exercises are also very quick.
That being said, despite being very simple, Isometric exercises are also rather difficult to perform properly. This guide will cover some tips and guidelines. Helping you get the most out of these very efficient and superbly effective exercises.
Breathing Technique
First thing to remember is to practice proper breathing techniques. This means you should be inhaling through the nose and exhaling through your mouth. Breathing in through the nose is much better for the body because the air that comes in through the nose will be clean and it will be the right temperature when it hits your lungs.
We are naturally designed to breathe in through the nose, but often we get into the habit of breathing in through our mouths, particularly when we are exercising.
Taking deep breathes in through the nose also has a nice calming effect on the body, as you likely already know. Being calm is ideal for this type of exercise, so taking deep relaxing breathes will help you get the most out of isometrics. There is a general breathing pattern you can follow while doing isometric exercises.
Breathe in through the nose for about four seconds as you apply tension on the relevant muscle, then keep holding that tension as you exhale for about eight or ten seconds while making a slight hissing sound. Now breathe in once again through your nose and relax your muscles.
Following this technique will help you keep focused and ensure that you aren’t holding your breathe as you are straining. One of the reasons this is important is that isometric exercises can raise blood pressure very quickly, just as any strenuous exercises can, but by breathing properly you can keep your blood pressure relatively constant.
Just because these exercises are simple, doesn’t mean you don’t need to be focused on them. This is a common mistake that people make, they are thinking about anything but what they are doing. For isometrics you need to focus on what you’re doing and pay attention to the feelings in your body.